Hey everyone! Hope you had a great week. Dropping in to share a peek into my week of training and life before I share my next recipes.

Hmmm, I guess my last marathon training update was week 3. I have now almost finished week 5 of 12, so I am almost halfway through. It’s been tiring, but also very fulfilling and, dare I say, fun!
Last Saturday’s long run was a very hot and humid 19.5 km. This week of training was also great, despite a bit of a sore throat during the week which prompted me to skip my Thursday speedwork in favour of a cardio HIIT workout in the basement. Today, I was feeling much better and got my long run (24 km) in, since I had the day off work.
I did fit in a really good speedwork session last week, however. It was a 2 km warmup, then 2x1000m with 2 minute recoveries; 2x800m with 90 second recoveries, and 2x400m with 60 second recoveries, followed by a 2 km cooldown. It was pretty tough! I’ve also been pretty religious about my strength training routine. Still making good use of my Beachbody On Demand membership and the basement gym three times a week!

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I am hoping to get back into my regular posting schedule this week, too! Since I was a bit under the weather all week, I prioritized sleep over staying up late to edit photos and type up my posts. There is a time and a place for burning the candle at both ends; this week I definitely benefited from taking a step back and prioritizing my own health and wellness.
I shared this reel of a day of eats while training for a marathon:
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Wishing you all a great weekend! I’ll share a roundup of back to school recipes and a new weekly meal plan this weekend, and I’ll be back to regular recipe content on Monday. XO
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